Become a Volunteer Research Assistant!
We are accepting applications for research assistant positions for the Spring semester of 2025. Please fill in the application form before 12/10/2024.
This is a great option if you are trying to get experience in psychological research for graduate school, or specialized training in BPD research.
We typically expect that volunteer research assistants will commit to a minimum of 8-10 hours a week for three semesters. They are expected to engage in responsible, ethical conduct of research.
Criteria: (1) Psychology Major or A/A- grade in at least 2 300-level psychology courses
(2) GPA > 3.4
(3) Interested in graduate school
(4) Ability and aptitude to contribute to research, as evidenced by a letter of recommendation from a professor, TA, or supervisor
(5) A recommendation letter is recommended (not mandatory)
If you are interested in applying, please complete the form by following the link below. For any application related questions, please reach out to CASL's lab manager Connie ( for more information.
Apply for Grad School
Dr. Dixon-Gordon will not be reviewing applications for graduate students for Fall of 2025. For more information on how to apply to UMass and deadlines, please see our departmental website.
What is Dr. Dixon-Gordon looking for?
Overall, Dr. Dixon-Gordon is seeking graduate students who share a passion for the research being conducted in the lab and are committed to becoming clinical psychologists and providing evidence-based care for self-injurious thoughts and behaviors and borderline personality disorder as a part of their training. As a clinical science program, UMass is geared towards preparing the next generation of researchers and educators in the field. As a clinical psychology program, UMass expects that trainees to become competent service providers as well.
Most successful applicants have already been engaged in some research prior to graduate school and have a good idea of the types of research they would like to do. Your application requires a personal statement, which should describe your career aspirations, training goals, and what motivates you and prepares you in these pursuits. Although it's called a "personal" statement, it is a professionally oriented one. You are welcome to include personal information as well, although it is not expected or required. You will not be penalized either way.
Review of your materials will focus most on: (1) past experiences - what experience, training, skills prepare you to make the most of this PhD program? (2) fit - do your career aspirations and research goals fit with what is happening in CASL?
Thanks to Dr. Victor for inspiring this description.